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The Masonic Association
of Frontenac District

St. Andrew’s Lodge No. 497

A.F. & A.M., G.R.C.

WM: W. Bro. Ted Vanness
Secretary: V.W. Bro. Harold O'Brien

Regular meeting:
Fourth Wednesday at 19:30 hr.

Meetings held every month except July and August




Banquet after


Madoc Masonic Temple

138 Durham Street South

Madoc, ON

District Deputy Grand Master – R.W. Bro. David Wright
District Secretary - Bro. Chris MacKey

President – W. Bro. Dale LaFreniere
Vice President – W. Bro. Steve Ramey

Secretary Treasurer – R.W. Bro. Jeff Gatcke

Secretaries’ Association Chair - Bro. Chris MacKey


Other Management Committee Members:
W. Bro. Ian Troyer

V.W. Bro. Bill Lewis

W. Bro. Scott Forbes

V.W. Bro. Scott Bates

W. Bro. Daniel Kennedy



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