The Masonic Association
of Frontenac District
The Travelling Square & Compasses
The Frontenac District Travelling Square and Compasses was crafted by W. Bro. William
Cook for V.W. Bro. Dale Clarke (both of Union Lodge No. 9) in 1979 and presented
to The District Deputy Grand Master, R.W. Bro. Donald Sears by R.W. Bro. G.E. Clarke
(Dale’s Father). The Travelling Square and Compasses was then entrusted to the District
Chairman of Masonic Visitation with the purpose of developing inter-lodge visitation
between Lodges.
It was the objective that when a Lodge received the District Travelling Square and Compasses,
they were to pass it along to another Lodge as quickly as possible to promote regular visitation
throughout the District. However, in order to leave the Travelling Square and Compasses
with the Lodge that you visited, your Lodge would have to do the Degree Work of the evening
or present some form of Masonic Education for the host Lodge. To further promote visitation
beyond what was regularly occurring, the visiting Lodge had to be represented by a minimum of three members (*Reduced from 5 Aug 2024) and it was not to occur on the evening of the Official Visit of the District Deputy Grand Master. In the words of V.W. Bro. Dale Clarke, “It is my hope that it will, in some small way, encourage inter-lodge visitation. May the G.A.O.T.U. smile upon this small venture and see an increase in fellowship through His blessing.’
The Frontenac District Travelling Square and Compasses is currently under the care and control of the Worshipful Master and Members of Three Pillars Lodge No. 201 and we can rest assured it will be en route to your Lodge soon!