Masonic Essay Contest 2017
Education & Training Committee announce the Annual Masonic Essay Contest Open to all Masons of the jurisdiction, who are members in good...
W. Bro. Ron Murton
Albion Lodge sadly announces the passing of W. Bro. Ron Murton to the Grand Lodge Above on Friday, February 10th, 2017. ‎His wake is at...
Grand Junior Warden
StartFragmentOn Friday, March 24, the Grand Junior Warden, R.W. Bro. Adriaan DeVries, will be leading the Junior Wardens of Frontenac...
Chili Fest 2017
That time has come around again to bring the sharpened and honed taste buds to Lodge and after our brief regular meeting this month,...
Quilts in Lodge
StartFragment Organizers of the Frontenac Heritage Festival, as part of their Canada 150 focus, are arranging a display of 150 quilts in...
Traveling Gavel
On February 1 Prince of Wales Lodge 146 conferred a Fellow Craft Degree on Bro James Armstrong with a large contingent of Brethren from...