Accesible Kitchen for Challenged Children
On Wednesday March 29th at 10:30 the staff at Hotel Dieu - Kids Inclusive Centre for Child & Youth Development (formerly Child Development Center) welcomed Masons and their wives for the official opening of the Accesible Kitchen for Challenged Children, Teens and Young Adults. The was Project No. 2586 2015-16. Present were R.W.Bro. Wayne Anderson DDGM 2015-16; R.W. Bro. Marvin Switzer D.D.G.M. 2009-10; V.W.Bro. Robert Black Project Chair; Brother Brooks Gee, Project Assistant Chair. The Brothers were accompanied by their ladies for this very special event. Also present representative from the company that built and supplied the cabinets. As well as many of the staff members of Hotel Dieu Kids Inclusive Centre for Child & Youth Development. This was a proper and fitting completion to this most enjoyable project.Â