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Royal Edward of Cataraqui Lodge Official visit of the DDGM on February 7, 2018

To: Frontenac District Lodge Secretaries

Re: Official visit of the DDGM on February 7, 2018

Dear Sir and Brother,

In an effort to control the expenses of the banquet offered at 6:00 p.m. prior to lodge, Royal Edward of Cataraqui Lodge is incorporating a reservation system similar to that which the District has used for special banquets.

Please inform your members at your December and January meetings that we are asking those who will be attending our banquet on Feb. 7th to reserve a place by either calling me or sending me an email message at least 5 days before the banquet so that we can confirm with the caterer the number that will be attending.

This, we hope, will make the event “cost neutral”, and avoid the serious deficits that we have had in previous years when the numbers of attendees were overestimated. In addition, no lodge wants to underestimate and risk a food shortage, so we feel that the reservation system should solve the problem.

Please help us to make this work for both the Lodge and those attending.

We look forward to hosting the members of our sister lodges on this very important event in our annual calendar.

Sincerely and fraternally,

Stephen Hannah, Secretary

Telephone: 613-379-2413


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District Deputy Grand Master –R.W. Bro. Dale E.O. LaFreniere
District Secretary -
W. Bro. Scott Forbes

President –W. Bro. Steve Ramey
Vice President –
W. Bro. Daniel Kennedy

Secretary Treasurer – R.W. Bro. Jeff Gatcke

Secretaries’ Association Chair - W. Bro. Scott Forbes

Other Management Committee Members:
R.W. Bro. David Wright

Bro. Chris MacKey

V.W. Bro. Scott Bates

W. Bro. Brooks Gee


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